Research & publications
Research, evaluation reports & publications include:
Free to be Me: Celebrating 21 years of Freedom Youth
Research funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund to document the history of Freedom Youth, Bristol’s LGBTQ+ youth group, explores the challenges and changing attitudes towards gender identity over the last 21 years and illustrates how Freedom Youth has made a difference to the lives of a generation of young people. “A fascinating story in words and pictures.” Published by Tangent Books and available here.
CLIC Sargent: The New Normal
Evaluation of CLIC Sargent’s Enhanced Service for young people with cancer. Published as The New Normal.
Exec Summary with Full Report available on request.
Quartet Community Foundation
Social Needs Surveys identifying the needs of older and younger people across the four West of England Authorities.
Older People Report & Younger People Report.
OSA in the Frontline
An evaluation of the British Lung Foundation’s work on Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (2014) BLF OSA Evaluation Report – FINAL Sept 2014
Executive Summary: OSA-project-evaluation.
No Lycra, No Leotards!
An evaluation of Age Uk’s fit as a fiddle programme in the South West, Reshenia, April 2012. No Lycra, No Leotards!
An evaluation of Age UK’s fit as a fiddle programme in the West Midlands, with Lin Whitfield, Will Bee and Vicky Redding, 2012 Fit as a Fiddle West Midlands Regional Impact Report
A Bridge Between Two Worlds
Research into Excellent Commissioning with Third Sector organisations: With Reshenia. (2010).
The Good Commissioning Guide: a guide for Gloucestershire
Launched July 2010. This is a basic guide to the whole commissioning cycle and is relevant to organisations everywhere. Aimed at both public and third sector, the Guide takes you through the stages of commissioning, discusses commissioning for outcomes, and helps readers decide if and when commissioning is appropriate for them. Good Commissioning Guide.
Breaking it Down: whole family approaches to preventing youth homelessness
Researched and written with YMCA England, this report explores approaches to prevent youth homelessness, based on working with the whole family. (2009) Breaking_it_Down.
Evaluation of the Urban Livelihoods Programme in the Russian Federation
Report of an evaluation for Oxfam GB (2008).
National Youth Homelessness Scheme for YMCA England
Contributor to and editor of modules on the National Youth Homelessness Scheme Knowledge Base (2008).
South West Foundation and Evaluation Trust, for Creating Excellence
Contributor to Engagement and Empowerment in Rural Local Authorities in the South West of England: A Case Study: (2008) Empowerment and Rural Areasf (1)
South Gloucestershire Children’s Fund Evaluation Tool Kit
The Evaluation Tool Kit, written for South Glos Children’s Fund Projects, is available on the South Gloucestershire Council Web Site. Adapted parts of this are available on this website:
South Gloucestershire Youth Offending Team
“All that YOT Palaver” : An evaluation of the effectiveness of the Youth Offending Team (2007).
“Homeless in the Countryside”
A guide to effective practice in tackling rural homelessness, for local authorities and voluntary agencies; with Jeremy Spafford and Cathy Havell (Countryside Agency 2002).
Human Resources for Supported Housing Providers
Research into the needs of small supported housing organisations; production of web-based tool-kit. With Sally Britton (2003) Unfortunately, this is no longer available.
Moving Mountains: Services for dispersed populations in rural England
Research for the Countryside Agency into factors which contribute to the accessibility of services for people in dispersed rural communities. With Jeremy Spafford. Published as a Countryside Agency Policy Paper: Moving Mountains (2001).
“Alternatives to the Bus Shelter”
An action guide for Parish Councillors, to encourage and support the development of provision for young people in their local communities (National Youth Agency, 1999)
“Daring to Dream: the work of rural Foyers”
National study identifying factors contributing to the effectiveness of rural Foyers. With Jay Greene. (Rural Development Commission & Housing Corporation, 1999)
National Housing Federation South West
A guide to Good Practice in Supported Housing in the South West (1998)