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Rowan Associates - See the wood for the trees


Rowan Associates works with organisations and partnerships to develop, review and evaluate heritage projects.

We are specialists in qualitative evaluation and demonstrating HLF outcomes.  We believe that local heritage can be a powerful catalyst for community engagement and place making.

Rowan Associates’ heritage work builds on Lori’s track record of working with community groups in a range of sectors.

Evaluating heritage – outcomes and intangibles

We have expertise in evaluating intangibles, applying our knowledge of community development to create an evidence base from which we can identify the benefits of culture and heritage in communities and to individual wellbeing.

Bristol Cultural Development Partnership Homes for Heroes evaluation  https://www.ideasfestival.co.uk/themes/homes-for-heroes-100/

South Gloucestershire in the First World War project 2014 – 2018

Know Your Place West of England http://www.kypwest.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/KYP-Evaluation-Final-Report.pdf


Heritage as placemaking:  engaging people and communities

Heritage funding requires community involvement.  As a skilled facilitator, Lori has  experience of bringing people together, and of forming their views and aspirations into realistic plans.

Geographic Communities:  Jacob’s Wells Baths and the community around it

Communities of Interest:  Celebrating the first 21 years of Freedom Youth, Bristol  An oral history project.  Final outputs published as Free to be Me (Tangent Press) https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/38338038-free-to-be-me

Bristol Blue Plaques:  Lori is a member of the Bristol Civic Society Blue Plaques Panel, creating a heritage based narrative of the history of the city

Heritage Partnerships

We need to work together – now and into the future more than ever before.  Rowan Associates understands the interests of a range of organisations and sectors and has the skills to bring people together to benefit the development and delivery of heritage projects.

Contact me  to chat about what we can do to help your heritage project