Who we work with
Rowan Associates works mainly with organisations in the public and social economies:
- Central, Regional and Local Government
- Town and Parish Councils
- National and Regional and Local Voluntary Sector
- Community based organisations
- Area Based Initiatives
- Strategic Partnerships
- Infrastructure organisations and partnerships
- Social Enterprises
Clients include:
- Age Concern (South West)
- AgeUK, Fit as a Fiddle Programmes, South West and West Midlands
- Ashley Vale Allotment Association
- Ashton Gatehouse Project
- Brighton Housing Trust
- Bristol Buildings Preservation Trust
- Bristol Children’s Trust Partnership
- Bristol City Council
- Bristol City Council and Bearpit Community Action Zone
- Bristol Cultural Development Partnership
https://www.ideasfestival.co.uk/about/bristol-cultural-development-partnership/ - Bristol Dial-A-Ride
- Bristol Disability Equality Forum
- British Lung Foundation
- British Red Cross
- Centrepoint
- CLIC Sargent England, with Insley Consulting
- CLIC Sargent Northern Ireland, with Insley Consulting
- Communities and Local Government/ODPM
- Community at Heart (New Deal for Communities)
- Countryside Agency (Now:Natural England)
- Creating Excellence
- Dodington Parish Council
- Fareham Borough Council
- Foyer Federation
- GAVCA: Better VCS Commissioning Project
- Genesis Trust
- Gloucestershire Housing Association
- GreenSquare Group
https://www.greensquaregroup.com/ - Guinness Hermitage, for Housemark
- Headway Bristol
- Healthwatch Bristol
- Healthwatch Bath & NE Somerset
- Healthwatch Somerset
- Healthwatch South Glos
- Henbury and Brentry Community Council
- Housing Corporation/ Homes and Communities Agency (Now Homes England)
- Imayla
- Jacob’s Wells Community Hub
- Know Your Place West of England
- Law Centres Network
- Living (dlc): Bristol & West of England
- National Housing Federation (South West)
- National Youth Agency
- NAVCA, with Reshenia
- North Somerset Council
- Off the Record/Freedom Youth
- OpenUp Music
- Oxfam GB
- 1625 Independent People https://www.1625ip.co.uk/
- Quattro Design Architects
- Skye Shilasdair Shop
- Somerset Voluntary Sector Network & Change Up Consortium
- South Gloucestershire Council
- South Gloucestershire Youth Offending Team
- South West Foundation
- SPAN: Single Parents Action Network
- St Paul’s Unlimited Community Partnership
- St Werburghs Community Centre
- Sure Start Easton
- Sure Start Kingsweston
- Swindon Early Years and Childcare Partnership
- The Care Forum
- The Care Network
- The Green House
- The Gloucestershire Assembly Team/GAVCA (with Reshenia)
- Unchosen
- Westlea Housing Association
- YMCA England