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Rowan Associates - See the wood for the trees

For example

Rowan Associates has carried out contracts such as:

Bristol Children’s Trust

Research consultancy:  Embedding Participation of Children and Young People in the development of the Children’s Plan, and at a strategic level in the Children’s Trust

South West Foundation

Research for the South West Empowerment Development Project – rural case study. All the reports for this project may be downloaded from the Creating Excellence website at: www.creatingexcellence.org.uk; or from South West Foundation: www.the-foundation.org.uk

Gloucester Youth Housing Association

Ttraining for staff about good practice and creative approaches to the involvement of service users in the work of the Association

Dodington Parish Council

Community Consultation about the development of a local Playing Field. 

Bristol City Council Supporting People Team

To identify mechanisms for the involvement of all stakeholders (including service users) in the development of the Supporting People programme. 

Sure Start Kingsweston

To develop governance structures, ensuring participation of parents

Quattro Design Architects

Adding expertise with community consultation on planning issue. 

Bristol Dial-A-Ride

To develop the format for a Passengers Forum, known as “Passengers Have Your Say”. These are now held regularly throughout the year, facilitated by Bristol Dial-A-Ride staff.

Henbury & Brentry Community Council

Community Conference to identify local needs and priorities, and from this to develop proposals for SRB funding.

Bristol City Council Equalities Team

Consultation with women’s self help groups in North Bristol to identify factors which assist, and hinder, participation in the Women’s Forum